Video Podcasts

Friday, June 24, 2022
Ep. 69 Investing In Notes May Be The Answer In A Challenging Economy
Sometimes investors have to look outside the "normal" investing channels to generate their desired income. David and investor/lender Tom Chase discuss some of the options investors have when it comes...
Friday, June 17, 2022
Ep. 68 Will Your Tenants Job Survive a Down Market?
During tenuous times, it is critical to look at all aspects of your tenants application, especially the type of their employment. Some jobs are more recession/pandemic proof than others and that can...
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Episode 67 Part 2 - Should You Consider Section 8 in a Down Economy?
Contrary to popular opinion, Section 8 housing is not just for "other" landlords. David Pickron and guest Jake Beeson discuss in detail some of the nuances surrounding Section 8 housing and how it ca...
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Ep. 67 Should You Consider Section 8 in a Down Economy? Part 1
Contrary to popular opinion, Section 8 housing is not just for "other" landlords. David Pickron and guest Jake Beeson discuss in detail some of the nuances surrounding Section 8 housing and how it ca...
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Ep. 66 Why You Just Might Need a Landlord Coach
There have always been two ways to manage properties: Buy property and 1) manage it yourself, or 2) have a property manager manage it for you. There is now a third option, manage it yourself with th...
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Ep. 65 Protecting Yourself From Fraud is This Easy
Statistically fraud is on the rise and landlords, whose information is all over the web and on legal documents, are not immune from its effects. Knowing ways to protect yourself and your information ...
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Ep. 64 The Power Behind a Month to Month Lease
At the end of a lease with your tenant you have a couple of options to consider. David and Scot visit with Heather as she nears the end of the first lease she ever signed with a tenant. Listen and l...
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Ep. 63 Why Screening Tenants Must Be Nationwide
In a country where people are constantly on the move, requiring a nationwide background search is critical to knowing who is in your rental property. Now more than ever you need to utilize a "Private...
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Ep. 62 Why You Should Be a Landlord PI
As a landlord you are required to act like a professional private investigator to make the best decision regarding who has access to your properties. Understanding overall criminal statistics and rec...
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Ep. 61 Only A Landlord's Child Knows This Secret
Generational Investment Education is critical in passing on the hard earned knowledge you have as a landlord/investor. David Pickron welcomes his daughter Presley to the podcast to discuss what lesso...
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Ep. 60 This One Thing Makes Being a Landlord Easy
The tenant on-boarding process can be tedious, making you prone to committing mistakes. Rent Perfect President David Pickron explains why Rent Perfect was created and how it benefits everyone from th...
Friday, March 11, 2022
Ep. 59 Unlock this Power Through Associations
Being a landlord can often feel like a lonely endeavor. Local and national organizations like NARPM (National Association of Residential Property Managers) helps landlords gather together in a united...

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