Video Podcasts

Friday, October 28, 2022
Ep. 81 Tenant On-Boarding Behavior Can Be A Telltale Sign
Every landlord should act like a private investigator, and that starts by observing applicant behavior during the showing and on-boarding process. If an applicant is afraid to answer questions or pro...
Friday, October 21, 2022
Ep. 80 Statistics Show Tenant Criminal History Affects Ability to Pay Rent
There is a direct correlation between a tenant applicants criminal history and their credit scores, which ultimately affects their ability to pay rent. If government takes away your ability to view t...
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Ep. 79 Inflation Resistant Investing? Try Short-Term Rentals
When the economy flattens or enters a downturn, you have to ask if short-term rental properties are still a good investment. Rent Perfect President David Pickron and Scot Aubrey talk the strategy beh...
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Ep. 78 The Right Tenant "Partnership" Makes Managing Easy
Viewing your tenants as a business partner immediately changes the relationship you have with them. By following the items outlined in this episode of the Rent Perfect podcast you can take your curre...
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Ep. 77 Stop and Listen Closely Before Accepting Prepaid Rent
Sometimes tenants have fallen into hard times; they have the money to pay the rent, but don't qualify for your property. If they offer to pre-pay the rent, you need to follow the steps discussed duri...
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Ep. 76 Covid Killed Evictions But Now They Are Highly Contagious
With evictions returning to pre-Covid numbers, landlords are utilizing eviction records again in qualifying tenants. While credit and criminal records are important, how a tenant has taken care of a ...
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Ep. 75 Is Your Applicant Hiding Behind an Alias?
Critical to being a successful landlord is knowing exactly who is applying as a tenant for your property. Rent Perfect President David Pickron discusses why having an investigative background check,...
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Ep. 74 Does Your “No Smoking” Clause Include Vaping?
Add this smoking policy to protect your property. One of the quickest ways a property can be devalued happens when a tenant or guest smokes or does other things in/on your property that create obnoxi...
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Ep. 73 New requirement for Adverse Action Notices from CPFB
As a landlord, one of the most important processes you need to be familiar with is issuing adverse action notices to applicants that did not qualify for your property. David Pickron and Denny Dobbins...
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Ep. 72 Are a Tenant's Guns Your Liability?
Questions abound regarding landlords and their ability to ban guns from their rental properties, and also what their liability is if their tenant improperly uses a gun on their property. David discus...
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Ep. 71 Should You Still be Investing in an Unstable Market?
Today's investors are questioning now more than ever whether they should invest... and if they should invest, in what? Rent Perfect President David Pickron discusses why he is always thinking like an...
Friday, July 1, 2022
Ep. 70 ADA, FHA, Assistive Animal, and Reasonable Accommodation clearly explained.
Understanding the law surrounding support and assistive animals is crucial when being an effective and law abiding landlord. David Pickron and Mark Zinman, attorney with Zona Law, discuss some of the...

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